- Q. When is the best time to lay sod?
A. The spring and the fall are the easiest times to lay sod because the cool temperatures help stimulate root growth. Summer sodding can be very successful if the condition of the soil and grass are watched carefully, though.
- Q. How important is ground preparation to the success of my lawn?
A. Ground preparation, more specifically, the incorporation of 3-5 cubic yards of organic matter per thousand square feet planting area is incredibly important in helping the soil retain moisture.
- Q. I keep hearing that Kentucky bluegrass is a poor choice for Colorado landscapes. Is this true?
A. Nothing could be further from the truth. Bluegrass is the most adaptive lawn grass in the temperate world. Bluegrass is grown in 48 states and is extremely well suited for the semi-arid climate of Colorado. The high elevations and cool night and winter temperatures can cause significant problems for warm-season grasses. Bluegrass, a cool season grass, is extremely cold hardy, traffic tolerant, and can go “summer dormant” during prolonged periods of drought and then recover quite well when water returns. As seen during water restrictions, bluegrass can even look lush with a modest twice a week watering schedule. Bluegrass, especially the select blends that we grow, really is an excellent choice in Colorado.
- Q. I keep hearing about xeriscape. How does lawn area fit in to this landscape method?
A. Remember, xeriscape is a foundation of mostly sound horticultural techniques to save water. Only one tenant of the xeriscape techniques discusses the use of “practical turfgrass.” In most cases lawn areas are the most practical areas of the landscape. No other landscape areas are generally used to the degree as the lawn areas. And the more pets and more children within the household, the more practical the lawn area will become. Most importantly though, with proper ground preparation and maintenance the lawn area will be a very water concious piece of a water-wise landscape.
- Q. I am generally not a real handy-man. Can I install my own sod?
A. You bet! Very few projects are less technical or more forgiving than laying sod. Unlike tile or carpet, this is a product that actually grows together and looks better each day.
- Q. I have noticed a few gaps since I laid my sod. I don’t remember them as I was laying my sod. What should I do?
A. Gaps can appear after installation if the sod loses moisture content after installation and most often happens in the first hours after installation. This sod shrinkage can vary from mild to quite noticeable. Sod is a remarkable growing medium and the sod will grow in to fill these gaps over time. To speed this up you may choose to sprinkle soil in between the gaps or in severe instances actually place small pieces of sod in the gaps. These gaps can easily be avoided if the new sod is kept consistently moist during the first couple weeks.
- Q. How long can I leave the sod rolled up before I lay it?
A. Sod must be installed immediately. Under some conditions the shelf life of rolled up sod may be under 24 hours. Be sure that your area is ready for sod before it arrives.
- Q. If I order too much sod can I return the sod that I do not need?
A. Because sod is so immediately perishable we cannot accept returns on sod. We are committed to providing only the freshest sod available, and accepting returns would undermine that commitment to quality,
- Q. After I have laid my sod how long until I can use it?
A. You may immediately walk on it for maintenance purposes, i.e, watering, mowing, fertilizing, or monitoring. It is best to wait a few weeks for heavy traffic until the sod has firmly rooted into the ground below.
- Q. I am going to have Green Belt Turf Farm professionally install my lawn. Do I need to be there for the installation?
A. Yes. The most critical time for new sod is the first few hours following installation. You will need to immediately begin irrigation on the new sod. We also like to have you there to answer any questions that you may have and give you pertinent tips on the post installation maintenance of your sod.
Q. How long should I wait to mow my new lawn?
A. You must mow the grass as soon as it needs it. Never allow your grass to grow tall and then mow it short, especially on new lawns. The result is a phenomenon called root die-back. The plant’s roots actually begin to die and can even kill new sod. In fact, this is one of the more common causes of sod failures.
Q. I am seeing seedy looking tops on my lawn. What is this. What do I do?
A. All grasses go to seed at some point during the season. This is the way the grass reproduces and ensures its survivability. Bluegrass will go to seed between the middle of May and the 1st of July. In a lawn situation this process rarely culminates in viable seed but will occur annually regardless. During this time the aesthetic quality will change of the lawn. The aesthetic change can be mitigated by maintaining a frequent mow schedule and by maintaining a sharp mower blade.
Q. Do I need to water in the winter?
A. Winter watering is very critical for a lawn’s survival especially in the first year after installation. Deeply watering the lawn a couple times per month in dry winters is important to maintain a healthy lawn entering spring. Often times the easiest way to winter water is to use a hose and hose-end sprinkler.